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“I sold over $869k of business using this method in the past 11 months.
This is the BEST method I’ve ever seen to close higher!”

Learn the Secret Framework that Will Transform YOUR Messaging


Daymond John

JJ Virgin

Grant Cardone

Michael Hyatt

Brandon Dawson


“I did my talk in front of 14 people at my Powerhouse Retreat, and made an offer, and 10 people said yes. It was my biggest week = $111,000. A small yet powerful stage!”

— Amy Yamada

“I found it very easy to lay it out my Signature Talk using what you taught me. Did the same talk on Thursday with the PowerPoint and closed 100% of the room. I have met a lot of people that have impacted my life in one way or another but I have never had anyone help me grow and appreciate what I do more than you. You taking the time to take me to a higher level is going to change thousands of people’s lives. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

— Patrick Sandner 

“I took what I learned and captured 55 names/emails from my breakout session last Friday!!! There were probably 85 people in the audience… Now to deliver what I promised and follow up for coaching opportunities!

— Lisa Brouwer 

DISCLAIMER: These results are not typical. You may experience different results depending on the effort you put in, your own personality, your background, and your current business level. Our average customer that implements our strategies generally increases the number of stages that they speak on.
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